After two weeks paternity of what I now genuinely consider the happiest time of my life, the time had come to return to work.
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How to Potty Train
My own Father’s immortal words “HIT THE POT!!” or “LIFT THE SEAT!!!” rang in my ears. It was with great pride that our Lord of the Rings style quest to potty train Ayla began at 15-months-old.
Does Ingrown Toenail Surgery Hurt?
As the dust settles on what was a brilliant Fathers Day spent with my wife, daughter and soon-to-be son, I can finally get back to talking about one of my favourite subjects, my ingrown toenail journey!
Fathers Day Gift Guide
With Fathers Day only a week away time is fast running out for buying the perfect gift for your Daddoo. Now I’ve mentioned my questionable gift choices before on the blog. Luckily though, a few brands got in touch in order to help out with this. Here I’ll give a couple ideas on potential gifts for your Daddoo this Fathers Day.
This is the How to Daddoo Fathers Day Gift Guide.
How to Bath Time
Things You Never Imagined Yourself Saying As a Parent
Over the past two years I have heard myself say many strange phrases that I never imagined I would be saying as a parent. These are a few more recent ones…

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How Not to Go Shopping With Your Child
Shopping trips alone with Ayla can be eventful. On one such occasion, I had instructions to nip out and acquire two packs of nappies.
Valentines Day Special: How to Love Your Wife
I remember the first time I saw her. She saw me first apparently as I walked passed her in the bar. I was probably concentrating on which flavour bag of crisps to get with my pint. We were both attending a wedding evening with mutual friends and we’d met in a pub beforehand. We soon hit it off. In those early days she laughed at my jokes and didn’t seem phased by the ropey stories my mates told her.
Continue reading “Valentines Day Special: How to Love Your Wife”
Baby’s Birthday: To Party or Not to Party?
As Ayla’s first birthday approached, my wife and I began discussing whether Ayla would remember or even know she was having a birthday party and whether it was necessary.
Continue reading “Baby’s Birthday: To Party or Not to Party?”