This week we celebrated our second year blogging, as a brand and as a platform to share my ropey parenting techniques.
Category: Uncategorized
Our Son Daniel – His 1st Year
Our son Daniel turned one last week. Here I’ll collect my thoughts on his first year, his birthday and parenting the tricky sophomore child.
Clip Locks (To The Tune Of Tom Jones – Sex Bomb)
When Ayla was younger, one of her first obsessions was clambering near any clip locks scenario (mainly her bouncy chair) and locking them bad boys together. That’s when I wrote this. A song to the tune of Sex Bomb – Tom Jones.
Continue reading “Clip Locks (To The Tune Of Tom Jones – Sex Bomb)”
The Sunshine Blogger Award
Earlier this week I’m pleased to say I was nominated for a Sunshine Blogger Award by The Modern Father.
Inanimate Objects Our Son Loves
It’s often the case, you can get your child all the presents in the world and they’ll still end up sat playing amongst a pile of wrapping paper or with the cardboard box the thing is packaged in. Our 8-month-old son is no different to this so much so we’ve compiled a list of random inanimate objects our son loves.
1) The Baby Wipes Packet

New Baby, New Logo
As you may be aware we have recently added to the Daddoo brood. It was then only right we at How to Daddoo updated with a new logo too. Continue reading “New Baby, New Logo”
Elf on the Shelf: A How to Daddoo Christmas Special
On December 1st 2017, a mysterious door appeared on our kitchen skirting board. He came with a letter saying he’d been sent by Santa to ensure the kids were being ‘nice.’ To his credit he also brought treats and an advent calender and thus we gained an annoying pint sized lodger for the month. No, it wasn’t the plot of a Channel 5 Christmas B movie. It was Elf on the Shelf and this is what happened.
Continue reading “Elf on the Shelf: A How to Daddoo Christmas Special”
Oh Ayla! (To The Tune of The Oak Ridge Boys – Elvira)
A song to the tune of the Oak Ridge Boys – Elvira
Continue reading “Oh Ayla! (To The Tune of The Oak Ridge Boys – Elvira)”
My First Year Dad Blogging
We recently reached the milestone of our first year Dad blogging!