As our first born daughter Ayla turned the big 4 recently we decided to share just a few of the things she’s done this past year that made us beam with pride.
Continue reading “Ayla is 4!”As our first born daughter Ayla turned the big 4 recently we decided to share just a few of the things she’s done this past year that made us beam with pride.
Continue reading “Ayla is 4!”In our house a day rarely passes in which we don’t have a Disney movie on in the background. Maybe it’s the cynical side of me but I’ve watched these movies so many times I’ve found disney character flaws in most of them, not to mention the plot holes. Read on to see what I mean and you’ll never think the same of some of your favourite characters.
When your child begins to speak, as most parents will attest to, you become somewhat of a translator for your them. Some things can get lost in translation.
As parents, bedtime stories usually come at the end of a hard day at work or chasing your child around all day. After limping around the house making a supper time snack, fetching pyjamas, brushing teeth and giving any required medicine you and your little one settle down to read the bedtime story. It’s only when you’re winding down for the day, you become prone to misreadings during storytime.