TOP TIP: Always lift your arms when going down inflatable slides.
We love a day out at the soft play. So you can imagine our excitement when we were invited down to inflatable themepark, Inflata Nation Newcastle. Here’s our review…

We love a day out at the soft play. So you can imagine our excitement when we were invited down to inflatable themepark, Inflata Nation Newcastle. Here’s our review…
When Weekend Box got in touch to become an affiliate partner, we jumped at the chance if only to receive a box to occupy our crafts-mad, 3-year-old daughter. See, during the Summer holidays, the kids often get bored and demanding. In this day and age our time is limited. Anything and everything demands our attention and it’s sometimes impossible to cut through all the noise and have genuine human interaction and give your undivided attention to your own family at times.
Softplay trips can be the best of times and the worst of times. The mere mention of the word brings overcrowded spaces, screaming kids and your child potentially doing a damage to the mind’s eye. It can though, when you follow my tips below, be a fun, rewarding, bonding experience.
The year 2017 is almost at a close and we’ll all soon have to get used to writing ‘2018’ when dating things. Here I’ll review the year that was with highlights, observations and areas to improve…
“It’ll be fine” my wife said “Baby yoga is always lovely”. Little did I know I was soon to be thrust into a female-dominated world or, in this case, room.
We’d been on a few UK based caravan holidays as a family before we decided to head abroad to Salou, in Catalonia, Spain in the August of 2016.
As parents, we decided to get Ayla in the pool as early, and as much, as possible. I’ve always loved swimming. It evokes some great childhood memories of getting launched about by my Dad and having wrestling moves performed on me. Not to mention the dragon’s head, the waves and the ice cold diving pool at Sunderland’s Crowtree Leisure Centre. I was eager to begin shot putting Ayla around a pool. Although I was informed by my wife, with our daughter only 8-weeks-old, we’d have to maybe start by getting her used to being in the water to begin with. Continue reading “Ayla’s First Time at the Swimming Pool”