As some of you may know I have recently been off my feet having undergone double ingrown toenail surgery. In my head I thought it would be a simple procedure. An afternoon off work, a relaxed weekend and I’d be back fighting fit the following week.
Health Visitor Questions That Confused Me
First of all, I must put on record my massive respect for midwives and health visitors who work very hard to ensure the safety of our children’s health. I remember before Ayla’s first health visitor visits I’d change my outfit three times before they arrived in case they realised I was a schlub who was living in his pyjamas everyday at the time and deem me unfit.

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Decorating Nursery
As this is my first DIY post, I must start with somewhat of a disclaimer. I’ve never been very good at DIY, let alone decorating a nursery for my son. I’m clumsy, I tend to awkwardly get in the way and break things rather than improve them, sigh. I’m also not too proud to welcome any help and/or guidance from wiser members of the family or in other words let them do it for me. Alternatively I tend to provide a steady stream of cups of tea and biscuits throughout the day. In this instance my wonderful in-laws were the beneficiary’s of my tea making prowess.
How to Bath Time
Things You Never Imagined Yourself Saying As a Parent
Over the past two years I have heard myself say many strange phrases that I never imagined I would be saying as a parent. These are a few more recent ones…

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How Not to Go Shopping With Your Child
Shopping trips alone with Ayla can be eventful. On one such occasion, I had instructions to nip out and acquire two packs of nappies.
Andrew Fisher – How to Daddoo
Andrew Fisher is a professional mixed martial artist and MMA coach. He has amassed a 15-8-1 record in organisations such as Bellator and ACB. Out of his TFT (Team Fish Tank) gym he trains all age groups from top prospects to established champions fighting all over the world. As a proud dad of two, we caught up with him to talk all things fatherhood and MMA.
How to Accept That Babies Bounce
When you first get your new baby home, you literally do everything within your power to protect them. There is a reason for the phrase ‘wrap them in cotton wool’. After the first few months of sterilising everything within reach, (bottles, teats, the house pet) you gradually become less scared and realise that babies bounce. That’s not to say you suddenly become any less nervous, actually for me it only got worse the more mobile she became.
Gav McDermott – How to Daddoo
Hi everyone! Let me introduce myself. My name is Gav McDermott, I’m 31-years-old and married to my childhood sweetheart, Amy. We have two kids, Alfie our first born who turns 7 this month, and Scarlett who has just turned 4 but has the sass of a prepubescent 12-year-old!!! We also have a hairy child, Prinny, our border terrier puppy.
How to Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is quite an important day. I had a chat with my wife this week where I admitted I wasn’t too fussed with Father’s Day. It came as a bit of a surprise to me to hear that Mother’s Day is very important to all women who are lucky enough to be mothers and to many more besides… Those who are expecting and those who will be in the future, those who may not birth any children but symbolise a mother, those who yearn to be mothers. Today we celebrated a significant day for many and a special day in my own family. Continue reading “How to Mother’s Day”