As our first born daughter Ayla turned the big 4 recently we decided to share just a few of the things she’s done this past year that made us beam with pride.
Continue reading “Ayla is 4!”As our first born daughter Ayla turned the big 4 recently we decided to share just a few of the things she’s done this past year that made us beam with pride.
Continue reading “Ayla is 4!”There are times when our children get more attention than me in public. This is fine and to be expected. Here though, I document my irrational struggles with this and how I’ve adapted and overcome.
Continue reading “How to Get More Attention Than Your Kids In Public”
As 2018 draws to a close we’re bringing you our annual review of the year…well within our house and online at least.
They say moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do. As with anything, add children to the mix and moving house becomes 10x more stressful. Here’s how we fared.
Have you ever wondered what your little one gets up to when they go silent in another room? We decided to find out by noting our 1-year-olds journey through the day.
As parents we’ve had a complicated relationship with the dummy or dodie as it’s dubbed in our house. Yeah, we’ve found the dummy a must to help soothe the baby back to sleep during the night. Despite the ‘good or bad’ debate, our main gripe is how they seem to be the Houdini of the inanimate object world, how and where they go I will never know.
When Weekend Box got in touch to become an affiliate partner, we jumped at the chance if only to receive a box to occupy our crafts-mad, 3-year-old daughter. See, during the Summer holidays, the kids often get bored and demanding. In this day and age our time is limited. Anything and everything demands our attention and it’s sometimes impossible to cut through all the noise and have genuine human interaction and give your undivided attention to your own family at times.
If there’s one thing that parents need to get used to its that kids don’t work on the same time schedule as you. In fact, a lie in from now on will probably be around 6am! This means you need to know how to get up early, really early! Read on to find out how to make it that little bit easier.
Top Tip: Never take Urban Dictionary name definitions seriously.
After watching my wife go through the whole wrangler that is labour, I swiftly decided to sign over all naming rights to her. Who was I to demand what to name the watermelon she’d just pushed through her nether regions. An experience which manages to be both brutal and magical in equal measure.