When I was first approached to review BeKOOOL gel sheets, I did wonder when I would get the opportunity to test them out on Ayla. At first, I considered letting her run around in wet socks which was clearly stupid. My next idea was turning the heating up in the house which was again a barm-pot scheme.
Ayla’s First Christmas
Around the 10-month mark, Ayla’s first Christmas was fast approaching. This prompted the neighbours to put up the equivalent of Blackpool illuminations around their premises. Next doors were mega bright, that white/blue light that dazzles your eyes. Add to that the fact they were on the ‘random’ setting, they would go from solid, steady flashing, fade in, fade out, RAVE ON mode and back again.
How to Telly: cBeebies OR Sky Sports?
It’s an inner turmoil that would affect the most conscientious of person. What to watch on the telly with Ayla. Sky Sports News or CBeebies? On one occasion I was giving Ayla her bottle (naturally as the only remote control operating adult in the relationship, I get to choose what channel we watch) and was watching Sky Sports News when I became engrossed by it. After staring at the screen intently for a good five minutes. I looked down to see our baby girls neck folds had consumed the vast majority of the 7oz and soaked into her sleep suit with sponge-like efficiency.

Celebrities Ayla Begins To Look Like In The Middle of the Night When She Wont Go Back to Sleep
Reading With Your Child
I know what you’re thinking and no, this post isn’t about this bumbling dad being unable to read. I can read, go me. In fact, I had many great experiences growing up involving reading. I was lucky enough that reading seemingly just clicked with me in the early years of infant school. As someone who wouldn’t class themselves as an academic, I always felt comfortable reading out loud to a teacher or the class.
Back to Work
I remember when I was younger Sunday nights followed a certain routine. I’d have my bath, come out with wrinkly hands and feet and get in my PJ’s. Next I’d sit in my dressing gown watching You’ve Been Framed and, staring into host Jeremy Beadle’s eyes, that Sunday night dread would loom over me about returning to school the next day. I got a similar feeling when my wife returned to work after 9-months on maternity leave.

Teething Troubles
Teething is a long, enduring battle. Not only is your child in pain but there’s little you can do to avoid it. Ayla would slavver for England, develop rosy red cheeks like a beacon of light and get a constantly runny nose. The pains can come out of nowhere, and Ayla would begin screaming uncontrollably. We felt helpless watching our little one in pain but there were several things we could do to try and help her.
Tony Jeffries – How to Daddoo
Tony Jeffries is an entrepreneur, a 2008 Olympic Bronze Medalist and an undefeated professional boxer. He now owns two gyms in desirable Los Angeles. He gave us his thoughts on life as a father to his two girls, Jayde and Jessie.
Sleep Tactics – 3-6 Months
Torture Techniques My Daughter Uses During Bedtime

Has anyone else ever thought that they are living with a highly trained mini assassin? Ayla waits till the dead of night (when her opponents are at their weakest!) to inflict her full repertoire of torture techniques. This may sound extreme to some people but I’m telling you, you don’t know what it’s like…unless you do! Those of you who do, I feel your pain. Continue reading “Torture Techniques My Daughter Uses During Bedtime”