As our first born daughter Ayla turned the big 4 recently we decided to share just a few of the things she’s done this past year that made us beam with pride.
Continue reading “Ayla is 4!”As our first born daughter Ayla turned the big 4 recently we decided to share just a few of the things she’s done this past year that made us beam with pride.
Continue reading “Ayla is 4!”There are times when our children get more attention than me in public. This is fine and to be expected. Here though, I document my irrational struggles with this and how I’ve adapted and overcome.
Continue reading “How to Get More Attention Than Your Kids In Public”
As 2018 draws to a close we’re bringing you our annual review of the year…well within our house and online at least.
Have you ever wondered what your little one gets up to when they go silent in another room? We decided to find out by noting our 1-year-olds journey through the day.
As parents we’ve had a complicated relationship with the dummy or dodie as it’s dubbed in our house. Yeah, we’ve found the dummy a must to help soothe the baby back to sleep during the night. Despite the ‘good or bad’ debate, our main gripe is how they seem to be the Houdini of the inanimate object world, how and where they go I will never know.
When does a parent become offically old? I remember when I was a lad playing ‘internash’ or ‘Wembley pairs’ football in the street. The estates resident grumpy, old man would come out telling us to “play up your own end!” (Which would prove difficult as I lived over the road from the bloke). He’d follow that up with threats he’d either “stick a knife through the ball” (the old ones are the best) or somewhat randomly his “son would come out and knack all your fathers” I remembered thinking I’d never be that guy.
Continue reading “When Does a Parent Become Officially “Old”?”
Join us as we take a nostalgic trip down memory lane of a lifetime watching football. How I came to support Sunderland and how I plan to coax our children into supporting the Lads as well.
Continue reading “How to Get Your Kids To Support Sunderland”
Well, I’ve been building up to posting this for the last few days as I haven’t had the right words but here goes…
This past week was massive for our family. It was the week our daughter Ayla took her first steps in the big, wide world and began her first week at nursery.